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How to Use Your ATS to Unify Sales and Recruiting Data

| July 30, 2024 | By

Data disconnects between sales teams and recruiting teams can have a significant impact on your firm’s revenue—and its reputation. 

For example, a sales rep may promise a client quick placement of a candidate with a specific skill set that the recruiter can’t deliver. Or recruiters may spend hours sourcing candidates for positions the sales teams have already filled through other channels. 

Each scenario results in wasted resources, delayed time to fill, and poor client and candidate experiences.

And they could have been avoided.

Why Unify Your Sales and Recruiting Data?

Connecting your applicant tracking system (ATS) with a customer relationship management (CRM) platform (like Salesforce) and other sales process-specific applications makes it easy to share data seamlessly between sales and recruiting systems.

How does it work?

Improved Candidate and Client Tracking

Inefficient or manual data management can lead to missed opportunities. 

Aligning your ATS with your CRM—and with Salesforce in particular—increases speed and efficiency by allowing you to track candidate and client interactions within the same system. An ATS that works with the Salesforce 360 application suite will give you a comprehensive view of client and candidate relationships.

Enhanced Communication and Collaboration

Siloed information—such as candidate status, job requirements, and client needs—puts sales and recruiting teams at a strategic disadvantage.

Consider this scenario: A recruiter submits a candidate to the client, but the candidate is rejected. The recruiter then submits a second candidate. The client interviews this candidate, but rejects them after the interview.  

The recruiter’s third candidate makes it through submission and the first interview, and they are now on the final interview with the client. This information is important for the sales rep because it demonstrates that the client is close to filling the position, allowing the rep to focus their efforts elsewhere.

Centralizing key client and candidate data ensures that both sales and recruiting teams can access the same information. This transparency reduces duplicated efforts, prevents miscommunication, and improves strategic decision-making.

Centralized, AI-Ready Data

Your AI system’s output is only as good as the data you feed it.  

Housing sales and recruiting data in a central repository that is readily accessible to AI tools will enable your firm to harness the power of AI to drive everything from predictive analytics to personalized communication strategies.

Unified Reporting and Analytics

Disparate data sources make it difficult to track key performance indicators (KPIs) across domains.

Combining recruitment metrics from your ATS with sales data in a CRM, such as Salesforce, gives decision makers access to real-time data about important KPIs, including time to fill, source effectiveness, and revenue per hire.

For example, a report might reveal that candidates sourced from a particular job board have a higher placement rate. This information can be used to shape both recruiting and sales strategies to improve outcomes.

Resource Planning and Allocation

Disconnects within the recruitment pipeline make it difficult for sales to forecast client success—which drives future business—and for recruiters to prioritize candidate searches based on sales opportunities.

Unifying sales and recruiting data makes it possible to automate alignment between workforce needs and sales opportunities, so recruiters can optimize staffing levels, reduce time to hire, and respond quickly to market changes. 

For example, when a sales representative closes a new client deal in Salesforce, the system automatically creates a corresponding job requisition in the ATS. This triggers the immediate initiation of recruitment workflows, reducing the time to fill the new positions.

Conversely, as recruiters update candidate statuses in the ATS, these changes are instantly reflected in the CRM. Sales teams can view the latest candidate pipeline and progress, allowing them to provide accurate updates to clients and forecast potential placements, improving transparency and client trust.

Scale Up Your Sales and Recruiting Efforts

Aligning your ATS with your CRM and other business applications increases the value of your client and candidate data by making it accessible, actionable, and accurate.

By centralizing sales and recruiting data, your firm can optimize workflows, capitalize on opportunities, make data-backed business decisions, and enhance client and candidate experiences.

Find out how Asymbl ATS works natively inside Salesforce to help staffing and recruiting firms achieve all this and more.

Book a demo today and let us show you how it works.

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