Asymbl Blog

Leveraging Your Tech Stack to Optimize ATS Performance

Written by Brad Owens | Feb 21, 2024 4:30:00 PM

Leveraging Your Tech Stack to Optimize ATS Performance


The days of the single-vendor, all-in-one staffing technology solution are over. Why? Because there is extensive evidence showing this approach doesn’t work.

Asymbl CEO Brandon Metcalf saw the writing on the wall as far back as 2009 when he founded—and later sold—Talent Rover, a full-service staffing solution built natively in Salesforce. 

“Talent Rover was built to be all things to customers, but only if those customers wanted exactly what Talent Rover offered,” Metcalf explains. 

“It was built on the Salesforce platform so customers could benefit from Salesforce’s security, uptime, reliability, reputation, etcetera. However, Talent Rover didn’t extend to the full Salesforce application layer, so customers couldn’t take advantage of all of the powerful features Salesforce and its partner applications offered.”

Instead, Talent Rover developers created an all-in-one staffing technology tool that supported a recruiter workflow and other features you would expect to find in staffing software built 15 years ago. However, customers were mostly locked into using the features “as-is,” with many limitations to how the solution could be configured due to a large and complex “first-generation managed package,” which resulted in either expensive customizations or users working around—and outside—the system. 

Today, staffing and recruiting firms want tech stacks that are optimized to meet their organization’s specific needs. To achieve this, they have three options to get the features and functionality they want in their tech stacks: build, buy, or assemble.

Should You Build, Buy, or Assemble Your Tech Stack?

The decision to build, buy, or assemble your staffing or recruiting tech stack depends on your organization’s specific circumstances, so it’s important to know what you're signing up for.

Building a custom solution requires hiring developers to create a software product that does exactly what you want it to do. 

Although this approach allows you to customize the solution to your organization’s exact specifications, it also comes with significant time and financial investments in developing and maintaining the product.

A custom-built staffing tech stack will also require developers to get involved when your business needs change or if you want to add or modify workflows.

Purchasing an off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all solution can be faster and more cost effective than building a custom solution, but you will be locked into a solution that may not work the way you do. 

What you save by buying pre-built staffing software is quickly negated (and then some)  by the cost of expensive customizations, features you don’t use, and lost productivity looking for workarounds for all the functions that don’t fit the way you do business.

This approach provides the greatest flexibility and efficiency of the three. Hand-selecting the partner applications you want to include in your tech stack ensures that your technology and business process requirements align perfectly.

Assembling your own tech stack also lets you seamlessly add and remove applications to scale as your business needs evolve. 

Ultimately, the decision to build, buy, or assemble your tech stack depends on your firm’s business requirements, budget, and long-term technology strategy. However, if you are looking for a tech stack that optimizes flexibility, interoperability, and scalability for your recruiting processes and workflows, know that assembling your own will yield the best results.

Designing Your Ideal Recruitment Tech Stack: Some Assembly Required

Staffing and recruiting firms are increasingly adopting tech solutions to manage data, automate processes, and streamline workflows. However, it’s important to do your due diligence when creating your tech stack to avoid wasting time, money, and effort only to be disappointed in the results. 

You can buy into the model of one well-known staffing and recruitment solutions provider that charges customers a ton of money to use the applications and features they decide you need.

Or, you can build your own tech stack in-house. However, the cost, time, and frustration of integrating and customizing solutions to make them fit your recruitment workflows and business processes mean this strategy is inefficient at best. 

Asymbl ATS gives you the power to assemble a scalable, flexible tech stack that aligns with your staffing or recruiting firm’s unique business process needs.

Schedule a demo with the Asymbl team today, and let us show you why all-in-one staffing technology solutions are a thing of the past.